MP Ssegirinya announces 2nd term parliamentary bid

This whole term has been disrupted by those people, I was arrested and tortured,” he said.

“I cannot have gone through all that suffering and humiliation, just to bow out at the end…I am surprised that you even ask that,” remarked the legislator in a YouTube interview.

Ssegirinya is still recovering from a string of health complications which got him admitted multiple times in Uganda and abroad.

Hon Ssegirinya has hardly represented his constituents since early 2022 when he was arrested along with his Makindye West counterpart, Allan Ssewanyana.

These were slapped with charges connected to the murders of residents in Greater Masaka.

When they were granted bail in February last year, both MPs were severely ill.

Ssegirinya’s condition, however, was much worse and he had to be flown to the Netherlands where he was admitted.

In November last year, Ssegirinya had to be admitted to Nsambya Hospital and was later transferred to Nairobi where he remained on treatment until June this year.

In his interview over the weekend however, Ssegirinya said he plans to serve only two terms in Parliament, after which, he will retire.

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