Mohammed Salisu aims to stop ‘special’ Lamine Yamal when Monaco face Barcelona

Ghana defender Mohammed Salisu has said he will do his best to stop Lamine Yamal when Monaco take on Barcelona in a pre-season game on Monday evening.

While the Ghanaian rates Yamal very highly, having described him as a special player, Salisu believes the Barcelona starlet can be stopped.

“He had a great season and then he did very well at the Euros. I think he is a special player and we will have to do our best to stop him. That is the important thing. We must not focus only on him because they also have good forwards and midfielders. We have to be focused and keep everything in order at the back,” Salisu told Mundo Deportivo.

“Yes, I think everyone was surprised because he is a young player. He is 16-17 years old and at that age, when you play this kind of football, it is a bit of a surprise for everyone. I think he has a great future and he is a great player.”

It will be the first time that the 25-year-old will be playing in the Champions League and Salisu is relishing making his European debut.

“It’s something really important for me. Last year I arrived injured and I was only able to play half the season. Now I’ve done the preseason with the team and I’m in good shape,” he stated.

“So is the team. We’ve had a great campaign, we finished second and now we have to play in the Champions League. We have to keep going like this. We will achieve many things.”

Salisu joined Monaco last year from Southampton after the Saints were relegated from the Premier League.

Despite moving to the Principality club with great potential, Salisu was blighted by injuries, ruling him out for the entirety of the first round.

The defender, however, made 12 appearances in all competitions for Monaco last season, while contributing one assist.

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