Ministry of Tourism supports Rwenzori Marathon


As the Tusker Lite Mt Rwenzori Marathon clock continues to count down, more partners have embraced the journey to ensure a successful event.

The marathon is slated for Saturday August 24 in Kasese and organizers are almost set for the third edition of the annual run.

In a bid to support the cause, the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, in collaboration with the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), has handed over a Shs50m package to the organizers.

At a press conference held Tuesday morning at the ministry offices in Kampala, State Minister for Tourism Martin Mugarra Bahinduka announced the contribution, which comes along offers designed to enrich the marathon experience for participants and promote Uganda’s natural heritage.

“I want to thank the organizers of the Rwenzori Marathon and the sponsors led by Tusker Lite,” Mugarura said before signing and handing over the dummy cheque.

He added: “This is not easy. Most things that start in Uganda die after the second edition, or they don’t see the second edition, but this has gone on to the third, and we see it growing every other day. That is because of the serious effort and focus put into this marathon.”

In a special offer from UWA, all marathon participants will receive a 50% discount on entry fees for persons and vehicles to Queen Elizabeth National Park from August 23-25, 2024.

Runners will be able to enjoy the discount by presenting their race bibs at the park entrance, making it the perfect opportunity to explore the wonders of Uganda’s wildlife before or after the marathon.

UWA will also provide an exclusive opportunity for marathon participants to win four gorilla and four chimpanzee tracking permits.

The permits will be raffled off among all participants who start their run in Kasese.

UWA has also announced that the Margherita Peak, Africa’s third-highest peak, has reopened for climbers after a temporary closure to build support structures necessitated by the melting glaciers.

The Rwenzori Marathon continues to grow as a premier event on Uganda’s sporting calendar, with its recent certification by World Athletics expected to further grow the numbers.

Marathon Team Lead Amos Wekesa revealed that runners from up to 35 countries had registered for the marathon, with many already in Uganda and ready for Saturday.

Runners will compete in the 42km, 21km, 10km and 5km races.

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