Ministry of Local Gov’t Launches Digital Tax Collection Platform in Kagadi

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In a significant move aimed at bolstering local revenue, the Ministry of Local Government has initiated training for town council leaders and technocrats in Kagadi district. The training focuses on the adoption of a new digital tax collection platform, replacing traditional manual methods.

Andrew Abaho, a system analyst at the Ministry of Local Government, attributed low revenue collection in local governments to outdated manual systems. He highlighted that localities that have embraced automated tax systems have seen a threefold increase in revenue.

Abaho emphasized the benefits of the newly implemented local government revenue management system, known as E-logrev, in Kagadi district. He underscored that automated tax collection enhances efficiency, transparency, monitoring capabilities, and reduces dependency on central government funding for local development projects.

The initiative is poised to transform revenue collection processes, marking a pivotal step towards sustainable local economic growth and development.


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