Minister Nyamutoro Mocked After Humbly Serving Alien Skin Juice – Faridah Nakazibwe Defends Nyamutoro

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Faridah Nakazibwe, a well-known media personality, shared on social media her views on the lengths she goes to pamper the men she loves.

Mutesi’s post read: “I really pity some women . How on earth can whole minister and well spoken woman like Nyamutoro wake up one day , marry an uneducated man and also go ahead and serve him ? Like how ? These things we shouldn’t allow as women . No no”

In response to Mutesi’s remarks, Godfrey Kuteesa, who is known for his outspoken views on marriage, posted a fiery rebuttal.

He wrote: “OLI MUTUMBAAVU NNYO!! This is why mujakudibira nnyo ku lujja!! How can non married hooker pity a wife to 𝙼𝚛𝚜 someone?? In your entire clan no one has ever been married let alone being introduced and you’re here throwing pity to an achieved woman who’s happily serving her husband??”

“Where do girls like u get the audacity to attack marriage and its privileges? What has education got to do with marriage?? Muli busirusiru nnyo Let this be the last time you make such comments on a married woman!! TOKIDANGAMU !! Good Job Mrs Musuuza.”

Faridah Nakazibwe also weighed in on Kuteesa’s post, adding: “If serving juice is being cheap, ndowooza ffe ababasala enjala z’ebigere tuli batumbaavu nyo.”As of now, Phiona Nyamutoro and Eddy Kenzo have not publicly addressed the issue.

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