Minister Anite in profane letter exchange with UIA’s Robert Mukiza

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Anite was responding to Mukiza’s July 23 letter, where he accused her of lying about the honorarium payments related to the Kampala Industrial and Business Park (KIBP) infrastructure project.

In her letter, Anite dismisses Mukiza’s claims and escalates the feud by using a rather colorful village analogy, referring to him as a serial liar and comparing his behavior to that of a mentally challenged man who disrupts villagers’ lives.

Anite draws a comparison between Mukiza’s actions and a madman who steals the clothes of villagers bathing in public areas. In her narrative, the villagers had grown accustomed to the madman’s antics, but when a newcomer fell victim to the scheme, both ended up in a humiliating chase. The analogy aimed to depict Mukiza as the original offender in this saga, while Anite emphasized that she refuses to partake in a futile pursuit.

“Your psychosis behavior brings to mind a tale of a mentally challenged man who would run around the village naked, targeting villagers…I have resolved not to chase after you since I have referred this matter to the appropriate investigative authorities for thorough examination, less Ugandans will not tell the difference,” she wrote.

Anite’s blistering language underscores the growing rift between the minister and the UIA boss, as the two continue to lock horns over the honorarium payments that Anite insists were illegal. The minister has maintained that these payments, which totaled Shs 545 million, were made without proper authorization and must be refunded.

In July, Mukiza had responded to Anite’s initial demands, defending the honorarium payments as legitimate and approved by the UIA board. He argued that the payments were a justified compensation for additional work performed by UIA staff and the project management team. Mukiza’s letter also accused Anite of spreading falsehoods, including her claims about discussions with the British High Commissioner and pressure from the UK Export Finance (UKEF).

Mukiza further stated that Anite’s insistence on refunding the payments was based on inaccuracies and misleading information, suggesting that she had ulterior motives. In a bold move, Mukiza publicly challenged Anite’s narrative, highlighting that the issue had already been addressed under the guidance of President Museveni and that her continued pressure was unfounded.

With both officials now exchanging sharp words, the matter has escalated beyond the UIA boardroom. Anite has since referred the issue to investigative authorities for further examination. In her closing remarks, the minister stated, “I trust that their impartial inquiry will bring to light the necessary truth that will lead to appropriate consequences.

This latest development marks a significant moment in the long-standing feud between Anite and Mukiza, which has now spilled into public view. The ongoing investigation and the outcome of the probe will be closely watched as tensions between the minister and the UIA head continue to unfold.

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