Meet Uganda’s top TikTok stars with over 1 million followers


With over 1.7 million followers, Ivo Official is one of Uganda’s most followed TikTok sensations. Known for his dance videos, some of which have racked up over 11 million views, Ivo’s presence extends beyond TikTok, with a strong following on Instagram and Snapchat as well.

Internet personality turned singer, Winnie Wa Mummy, boasts 1.7 million followers. She’s also an impressive dancer, with 57 videos surpassing a million views. Winnie has earned a nomination for this year’s Pulse Influencer Awards, cementing her place as a force to be reckoned with.

Also known as Mina the Queen, Mrs. Nyanzi has built a TikTok empire with 1 million followers. A businesswoman as well, she runs Minatrox Beauty Bar in Kampala. Her entertaining content has garnered her a loyal following.

With an impressive 8 million followers, Rango Tenge Tenge is among Uganda’s most popular TikTok stars. His international endorsements and trips suggest he’s likely the highest-paid TikToker in the country.

The Triplets Ghetto Kids, famous for their dance performances, were first thrust into the spotlight by Ugandan musician Eddy Kenzo. They now have 9 million followers, making them one of Uganda’s most followed TikTok accounts.

Brinah, now married to renowned music video director Aaronaire, has a solid TikTok following of 2.6 million. Her account is known for its highly entertaining content.

Actor Jose Chakala is one of TikTok’s most entertaining Ugandans, with 2.4 million followers. His humour and creativity have made him a fan favourite.

Angella Summer is a social media powerhouse, with 6.2 million followers on TikTok. Her unique content, which plays on the stereotype of an African village girl, has earned her an impressive international fan base.

Spice Diana stands out as the only Ugandan singer with over a million TikTok followers. In addition to her music, her lifestyle posts attract huge attention, helping her build a massive fan base online.

These Ugandan TikTok stars are not only entertaining their followers but also building significant careers through their creative content.

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