Medikal fuels dating rumour with Eazzy in new song and cryptic shadow post

Medikal has once again ignited public interest in his relationship status with a cryptic social media post, sparking controversy and speculation. The post has caught the attention of his fans and followers and sparked a wave of public reaction and speculation.

Amidst the news of their split, Medikal revealed that he had removed a tattoo of Fella Makafui’s name from his hand, explaining that he didn’t want to see her name while being intimate with his new partner.

He captioned the post, “Stubborn Academy President and First Lady,” which has since gone viral, garnering over 600 comments and 1400 reposts on X (formerly known as Twitter).

One user commented, “That was so quick. Fella should be shaking right now,” while others speculated further about the relationship.

Adding more fuel to the rumors, Medikal referenced both Fella Makafui and Eazzy in a song, saying, “Fella Makafui is a baddie, but First Lady has seized my car key, so she dey ride me like Kawasaki, shoutouts to my sweet ex Sister Derby.”

This latest development has left fans and followers eagerly awaiting official confirmation or further hints about Medikal’s love life.

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