Medikal addresses allegations of ruining Fella Makafui’s business with his rants


Ghanaian musician Medikal has explained why he disclosed certain private details about his estranged wife, Fella Makafui, following their separation.

Speaking on the “Rants, Bants, and Confessions” podcast hosted by socialite Efia Odo, Medikal clarified that he had no intention of causing harm to Fella’s business despite their differences.

“I didn’t just wake up and make the video; she did something that annoyed me. The police coming to my house is what triggered me to say a lot of things at that time. Whatever I said was not meant to undermine her.

I was mad that she did such a thing after all the support I have given her. It was not intended to spoil her business. I don’t regret anything I did; it was caused by something. It just pains me that the issue could have been handled in a better way to avoid the social media outbursts and all that,” he said.

The situation attracted significant attention, with Medikal’s revelations sparking widespread discussions on social media and among the public. The two individuals have decided to end their marriage and co-parent their child.

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