McDan opts out of sponsoring Ghana Premier League due to ‘too much gambling’

The Executive Chairman of McDan Group of Companies, Daniel McKorley, has said although he has the money to sponsor the Ghana Premier League, he won’t be committing his finances to such a venture.

Speaking to Accra-based Asempa FM, he explained that match-fixing has been prevalent in the Ghanaian game and is, therefore, killing the reputation of the league.

“I can sponsor the Ghana Premier League but the gambling is too much. The match-fixing is collapsing our game. You will watch a game and how a goalkeeper will concede a goal is funny and it is because someone must win a bet,” McDan said.

“Football is a nice game but our players cannot play for years. It is about time we sanitise our game.”

In August 2022, the Ghana Football Association (GFA) and betPawa signed a three-year contract worth $6 million to be disbursed across the period.

This meant the Ghanaian topflight was supposed to get $2 million from betPawa in each of the years that the company would be sponsoring the league.

However, the Ghana Premier League is currently without a headline sponsor after betPawa abruptly announced an end to its headline sponsorship last November.

Meanwhile, allegations of match-fixing have also been rife in recent years following some high-profile scandals in the league.

This followed Ashanti Gold’s emphatic 7-0 win over Allies at the Len Clay Stadium on the final day of that campaign, where the away side’s Hashmin Musah deliberately scored two own goals.

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