MBALE: Parish Chief Interdicted For Importing Ghosts into PDM Beneficiary Lists

Crime scene

By Weswa Ronnie




A Parish Chief of Lwaboba Parish in Bumasikye Sub County, Mbale district has been interdicted on allegations of including ghost names into Parish Development Model (PDM) beneficiary lists.


Mary Namuwenge received her interdiction letter from the Mbale District Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Juliet Cheptoek on Tuesday, 27th August 2024.


Cheptoek says Namuwenge is accused of putting ghost names on different PDM lists with the aim of causing government a loss of about 300 million shillings.


She adds that Namuwenge also went ahead extorting money from PDM beneficiaries amounting to 8.5 million shillings before registering them under the program after claiming that she is taking money to district leaders.


George Wanakina, the Mbale District Production Officer also district PDM focal person says that they are still investigating the matter warning that if they get enough evidence, serious actions like dismissal might be applied.


He cautioned other parish chiefs to take this as an example and stop extorting money from PDM beneficiaries saying that the program is for free as the government is aiming to increase household incomes of low income earners.

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