MBALE CITY: Security Arrests 5 Cattle Thieves, Recovers 8 Stolen Cows

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By Weswa Ronnie




A total of five people have been arrested in a military operation against cattle theft in Mbale city during the Sunday operation with eight animals recovered.


Three vehicles and two motorcycles were impounded. They include a Pajero number UAA 310 Y, A Toyota wish numbers UBL 356 C and another vehicle number UBN 886 F was also impounded plus two Bajaj motorcycles Reg. no UFL 566Q and another number UFC 537 Z.


According to preliminary information, thieves have been stealing animals from wherever and collecting them in Nabweya Ward in Mbale city from where they take them for slaughter and supply to different butcheries here in Mbale city.


According to the Deputy RCC Northern City Division, Yahaya Were, they have been getting complaints of cattle theft that prompted security agencies to swing into action.


He added that the cattle thieves use private cars to steal animals and slaughter them from their houses and later supply the meat to several butcheries.


He recommended that Mbale City Council issues strict guidelines on animal movements and slaughter and also gazette at least three slaughter areas.


He noted that the issue of cattle theft has been long overdue and that it has crippled government programs of wealth creation and poverty eradication, especially the parish development model.


The residents thanked security agencies for the good work done but had reservations on whether justice shall be done to those who have been arrested. They pointed out corruption as the major challenge affecting the eradication of theft noting that thieves are arrested but released without prosecution.

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