MBALE CITY: BCU’s New 5-Star Hotel, Musundi House Nears Completion

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By Emma Bwayo




Renovation work on Musundi House in Mbale is nearly complete, with 80% of the project finished.

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BCU’s Musundi House in Mbale City to become 5 Star Hotel

Nathan Mabonga, the Bugisu Cooperative Union (BCU) Board Treasurer, has announced that the work will be completed by the end of September 2024.


He stated that it will be the most beautiful hotel in the heart of town named after the pioneer chairman of Bugisu Cooperative Union, Enoch Musundi.


Barbra Wasagali the BCU General Manager says other achievements of the union this year, include; selling 30% of the coffee stock both locally and internationally, fulfilling the board’s primary responsibility of securing markets for coffee.


He adds that surveying 92% of BCU lands and societies, and acquiring a vehicle to ease transportation, with plans to purchase additional ones as coffee sales continue. ⁠


BCU is also sponsoring 301 students for higher education at various institutions and will be launching the coffee season, with cash purchases at the factory this time around.

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