Mateke was a humble servant, say leaders

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State minister for Defense and Veteran Affairs Sarah Mateke Nyirabashitsi has been described as a humble and dedicated servant, whose unwavering service and distinguished personality will be missed.

She has also been serving as the Kisoro district Woman legislator since 2021.

Different leaders including ministers, Members of Parliament, ambassadors, different political party leaders, and other categories of people have since eulogised her on various platforms.

The Vice President, Rtd Maj Jessica Alupo, on her official X-handle, formerly Twitter, posted that the fallen minister and MP “will be remembered for her unwavering commitment as a national leader…and her support for women empowerment”.

Speaker Anita Among said in Minister Mateke, also on X, said the country has lost a humble and committed servant of our country.

The Ambassador of Denmark to Uganda, Signe Winding Albjerg, on the same platform, said: “ When Minister of State for children and youth, I was privileged to meet her several times… A strong advocate for young people.”

Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa said the fallen leader was full of life and promise, noting that God’s ways are indeed, not man’s ways.

The State minister in-charge-of General Duties at the Finance Ministry, Mr Henry Musasizi, said the minister Mateke’s dedication and service has left a big mark on all [people] who had the privilege of knowing her.

Dr Kenneth Omona Olusegun, the State minister for Northern Uganda, also on X posted: “I called her Philemon, her father’s name. She was bluntly honest and brave like her dad Mzee Hon Philemon, veteran politician… She loved her country.”

Ms Grace Mary Mugasa, the State minister for Public Service, described the deceased as a remarkable leader, …philanthropist, and a National Resistance Movement (NRM) Cadre.

Agriculture minister Frank K Tumwebaze said the deceased was an active leader with a high sense of responsibility for her work and also a warm person and full of humour and life. 

State minister for Youth and Children Affairs, Mr Balaam Barugahara, on X posted: “We will forever miss her straightforwardness, humility, and unwavering dedication,”

Budadiri West MP Nathan Nandala Mafabi said the country had lost a humble and committed servant.

Tororo District woman MP Sarah Opendi said: “My namesake and were always there to fill the gap at UWOPA [Uganda Parliamentary Women Association ] events. You encouraged us and gave words of wisdom even during the fight against corruption. You were with us in Tororo last Friday, looking beautiful but alas death has separated us.”

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