Man Cuts Friend For Dancing With His Girlfriend At A Funeral

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By Frank Kamuntu

Police in Namisindwa District have arrested a man identified only as Pyusi on allegations of cutting and injuring his Kenyan friend, Toney Kisebe, aged 26, for dancing with his girlfriend at a funeral.

Reports indicate that Pyusi, a resident of Manyali village in Bukokho Parish, attacked Kisebe after seeing him dancing with his girlfriend.

During the altercation, Pyusi allegedly picked up a panga and cut Kisebe four times on the head. Kisebe was rushed to a nearby clinic by the locals.

It is further reported that after the attack, Pyusi returned home where his father, David Matufu, cautioned him for his actions. Pyusi reportedly began cutting his father before going on to damage his crops.

The locals alerted the police, who arrested him. His father was rushed to St. Edward Clinic in Bumbo Town Council.

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