Makerere University Student Faces Life Imprisonment for Trafficking Monkeys

Colobus monkey

A Makerere University student has been arrested allegedly trafficking 22 black and white colobus monkeys (15 alive, 7 dead), 9 purely black monkeys) (4 alive, 5 dead), 7 Gabon Vipers (4 dead, 3 alive).


Lubega Frederick alias Rick, a 24 year old, Makerere University Student was arrested on 9th June, 2024 with his accomplice, a one Ankunda Isborn, a 28 year old, suspected Wildlife trafficker of Ndejje Ward, Makindye Division.

According to the Police Mouthpiece, SCP Fred Enanga, the wildlife species were intercepted while packed in 15 boxes, in a white and green super custom, under registration number UBA 617A, on the 9th June, 2024 at around 9:45pm, at Kikorongo fisheries checkpoint.

He says wildlife was being transported to the DRC where they are exported from to Europe and Asia, for monetary purposes.

Upon conviction, the offence of unlawful possession of wildlife species carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.The duo is currently detained at Katwe Kabatoro Cental Police Station waiting to be produced in court for formal charges.

A total of 31 monkeys, 7 Gabon vipers were handed over to UWA officers so as to set free the live ones to their natural habitats, and dispose off the dead.

β€œThe arrest of the Ankunda Isborn, a suspected trafficker, and his colleague, will serve as a deterrent and help widen public awareness, that poaching and illegal trade of species, are punishable crimes,” says Enanga in a statement dated 17th June, 2024.

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