Mahama must educate himself on banking sector clean-up before he speaks – Bawumia


The flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has criticised John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), over his pledge to restore the licences of financial institutions that collapsed under the current government.

However, Dr Bawumia, speaking during a media engagement, expressed surprise at Mahama’s stance, arguing that the NPP’s intervention was crucial in safeguarding the deposits of 4.6 million bank customers who would have otherwise lost their funds. He explained that many of the affected banks had engaged in egregious practices, including extending loans far beyond legal limits, misusing capital, and investing in private properties.

“The banking sector was on the brink of collapse,” Dr Bawumia stated, highlighting that the merger of some banks was necessary to prevent a systemic crisis. He advised Mahama to acquaint himself with the reports from the Receiver and the Bank of Ghana (BoG) before making further comments on the matter.

“This was one of my nightmares in the last eight years,” Dr Bawumia remarked, underscoring how close the country was to a total collapse of the banking system. He reiterated that the NPP government’s actions were aimed at saving millions of depositors from losing their hard-earned money.

Dr Bawumia questioned whether Mahama had thoroughly understood the complexities of the banking sector before making his promise. He cautioned that restoring the licences of the collapsed banks would not be a simple matter, as it would involve legal procedures that could not be overlooked.

Dr Bawumia’s comments reflect the ongoing tension between the NPP and NDC as they prepare for the upcoming elections, with both parties offering contrasting views on how best to manage the nation’s economy.

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