Luwero Residents List Demands Ahead of Museveni’s Visit – The Kampala Report

luwero museveni

luwero museveni

Residents in Luwero district have listed demands that they need President Yoweri Museveni to address ahead of his visit to the area on Saturday this week.

President Yoweri Museveni is expected to commission a multi-million classroom block for Excel Vocation Institute in Luwero district on Saturday, August 10. Museveni will later address a public rally at Kalule playground.

Ronald Ssentalo, the LCI Chairman of Kalule Trading Centre, said the area is prepared to welcome President Museveni and remind him about their key challenges. He listed the local challenges as poor garbage disposal due to a lack of dumping sites and water scarcity amidst a rising population.

Abubaker Kalume of the Kalume Foundation added that the entire district is battling a poor road network despite an increment in the budget for rehabilitation. He asked President Museveni to use the visit to fulfil his earlier pledge to donate an extra road unit to enable the district to absorb the budget and work on many kilometres within the financial year.

Wasswa Tamale, the NRM Publicity Secretary for Luwero District asked President Museveni to address the delayed fulfilment of his pledge to complete the district headquarters whose completion stalled over lack of funds.

Erastus Kibirango, the LCV Chairman of Luwero district asked Museveni to fulfil his pledge to upgrade the Wobulenzi- Zirobwe-Kabimbiri road, compensate veterans and set up a juice pineapple processing plant to add value to the abundant crop.

But Shafik Mwanje the Director of Excel Vocational Institute asked all residents to turn up in large numbers to welcome the President. He said this could be an opportunity to remind him about the key demands for the area.

Since he was re-elected President in 2021, Museveni has fulfilled pledges for the construction of Luwero Hospital and the ongoing upgrade of the Luwero-Butalangu road. The government also paid compensation packages to some veterans in Luwero district despite irregularities that marred the exercise.

President Museveni registered a big drop in popularity in Luwero district in the last general election, a trend linked to a series of unfulfilled pledges over the years.

According to Presidential results for Luwero, Museveni obtained only 41,166 votes (27.94%) and his arch-rival NUP Presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu scored 103,782 votes (70.45%).

Since then, the NRM Party has been struggling to win back support for Museveni and are mobilizing supporters across the district to welcome him on Saturday.

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