Local leaders unite to address youth unemployment in Masindi

In an effort to tackle youth unemployment and promote community development, the local council II chairpersons of Masindi Municipality have launched the “Youth Empowerment for Urban Development” initiative.

This programme is designed to engage youth from urban neighborhoods in sustainable agricultural and poultry practices, equipping them with practical skills to improve their livelihoods.

The initiative was launched on Tuesday in Kijura Cell, Central Division, and attended by all local council II chairpersons in Masindi Municipality. Under this arrangement, each chairperson will establish a model farm, approximately one acre in size, serving as a community hub where young people can gain hands-on experience in modern farming practices.

“We recognize that youth need practical opportunities to develop their skills and contribute to the community’s growth. This initiative will allow them to work on agricultural and poultry projects under the guidance of community leaders,” said Mr. Patrick Alinaitwe, chairperson of local council IIs in Masindi Municipality.

Masindi Municipality, like many urban areas, has seen a rise in unemployment, particularly among young people, contributing to urban crime. Many attribute this trend to the lack of job opportunities.

“Much of the land in Masindi’s suburbs has fertile soils and potential for farming, yet many young people have not had the chance to engage in agricultural work. We aim to provide them with practical farming lessons and involve them in activities that will keep them productive and help them earn an income,” Mr. Alinaitwe added.

The initiative targets over 400 youth in Kijura, Kirasa, and Nyangahya, granting them access to resources and information they would otherwise struggle to obtain.

Mr. Simon Byaruhanga, the Masindi district youth councilor, emphasized the need to help youth explore entrepreneurship and small business ventures. “The municipality could establish incubators where young people receive training in business management, marketing, and finance. By connecting youth with local markets and providing tools and mentorship, we can inspire new businesses in areas like agro-processing, craft production, and digital services,” he stated.

Mr. Byaruhanga noted that youth empowerment involves not just skill development but also creating platforms for young people to engage in decision-making and community planning. “Local authorities must foster dialogue and consultation with the youth. Involving them in projects like this ensures they participate in discussions about community development, fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership,” he explained.

Mr. Innocent Turyahikayo, a youth activist in Masindi, highlighted the need for external support from stakeholders, NGOs, and government agencies to ensure the initiative’s expansion and sustainability. “Youth require access to information, resources, and opportunities for community-led initiatives. We urge all stakeholders to join us in our mission to empower young people and help them contribute meaningfully to urban development,” he said.

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