LIST: All the Miss Ugandas Since 1967


The 23-year-old Natasha Nyonyozi was born and raised in Kyonyo, Kamuganguzi, near Katuna in the Kabale district.

Natasha studied at Coventry University in England, where she earned a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Accounting and Finance. She is currently an entrepreneur and the founder of a beauty parlour, “Girl Hive,” located at The Cube, Kisementi, Shop B20.

The Miss Uganda Grand Finale 2024 was a star-studded event, featuring notable guests such as Miss Uganda Hannah Karema, Miss World Tanzania Halima Ahmad Kopwe, and Lesego Chombo (Miss World Africa 2024 and Miss Botswana 2022).

The Miss Uganda pageant began in 1967, with the winner traditionally representing Uganda at the Miss World pageant. Despite this long history, only one Miss Uganda has reached the finals since its inception.

All the Former Miss Ugandas Since 1967:

  1. Natasha Nyonyozi – 2024
  2. Hannah Karema – 2023
  3. Elizabeth Bagaya – 2020/22
  4. Oliver Kakande – 2019
  5. Quiin Abenakyo – 2018
  6. Leah Kagasa – 2016
  7. Zahara Nakiyaga – 2015
  8. Leah Kalanguka – 2014
  9. Stellah Nantumbwe – 2013
  10. Phionah Bizzu – 2012
  11. Sylvia Namutebi – 2011
  12. Heyzme Nansubuga – 2010
  13. Maria Namiiro – 2009
  14. Doreen Mwima – 2008
  15. Monica Kasyate – 2007
  16. Juliet Akankwatsa – 2005
  17. Barbara Kimbugwe – 2004
  18. Aysha Nassanga – 2003
  19. Rehema Nakuya – 2002
  20. Victoria Nabunya – 2001
  21. Lillian Acom – 1997
  22. Shebah Kerere – 1996
  23. Grace Mungoma – 1994
  24. Linda Bazalaki – 1993
  25. Olga Nampiima – 1992
  26. Jessica Kyeyune – 1990
  27. Doreen Lamon-Opir – 1989
  28. Nazna Jamal Mohamed – 1988
  29. Helen Acheng – 1985
  30. Joy Lehai Kanyarutokye – 1968
  31. Rosemary Salmon – 1967

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