Lenia Charity Kevin MP Vurra County



Lenia Charity first gained attention in 2023 when she ran for MUBS guild president under the opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) banner, but lost to Christopher Wasswa. Prior to her presidential bid, she served as vice guild president at the Nakawa-based school.

Her switch to NRM has raised eyebrows, particularly given her previous affiliation with NUP, but Charity appears determined to make her mark in politics. According to her LinkedIn profile, she is actively involved in various advocacy roles, including as an advocacy strategist for the Refugee Women Leaders Network, program coordinator at Gals Forum International, and a youth representative on the World Liberty Congress.

A former student of St. Mary’s S.S. Namaliga and Our Lady of Africa Mukono, Lenia Charity holds a Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management from MUBS.

In a 2023 interview with New Vision, Charity, then 22, was described as a mentor, philanthropist, and motivational speaker. She shared her personal story of being raised by a single mother, with her father absent from her life.

As Charity Lenia prepares for her political campaign, her move to the ruling party has sparked debate, with many watching closely to see how her political journey will unfold.

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