Legal fraternity, Makerere University and Rotary convene for decent sendoff of Prof. Makubuya


Makerere University, the legal fraternity and rotary have convened for a decent sendoff of former Attorney General Khiddu Makubuya.

The group is set to meet raise funds to prepare his burial in recognition of his significant contributions during his career in both legal and academia professions. Makubuya was also actively involved in the Rotary Club, where he contributed to various charitable initiatives and community service projects.

The group is set to meet at former Lawns Restaurant on Impala Avenue and it is being spearheaded by former Security Minister Gen. Henry Tumukunde.

“There is no doubt that Prof. Khiddu Makubuya was an accomplished gentleman and therefore, we want to accord him his status as we bid farewell to him” Gen. Tumukunde told Eagle Online

He served as Uganda’s Attorney General between 2005 and 2011, breathed his last in the wee hours of Monday morning according to family sources.

The former minister and legislator for Katikamu South Constituency had been battling an illness for a while until Sunday evening when his health condition deteriorated.

Born on July 30, 1949, Makubuya held a First-Class Honors Bachelor of Laws degree from Makerere University, which he obtained in 1974.

He also held a Master of Laws degree and a Doctor of Juridical Science, both from Yale Law School and obtained in 1976 and 1979 respectively.

Former Prime Minister and currently the Special Envoy for Special Duties, Office in the President’s office, Ruhakana Rygunda was dismayed by the death of Prof Kiddu Makubuya as he mourned that his death Rukunda said death has robbed the country of a fine legal brain who made significant contributions to the country as an academic, politician and student leader.

Rugunda said that as a contemporary at Makerere University in the early 1970s, Prof. Makubuya was an excellent student who later became the first to obtain a first-class degree in law. In his later years as a law don, Makubuya mentored many current stars in the legal profession.

“He will be remembered for his calmness, humility and down to earth character. Condolences to his family, friends and relatives. May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace,” Rugunda mourned.

Makubuya breathed his last in the wee hours of Monday morning according to family sources after battling with illness at Nakasero Hospital.

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