Kyagulanyi to sue police officers over Bulindo incident



The National Unity Platform (NUP) President Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu has vowed to take legal action against police officers following an incident in Bulindo, Kira Municipality. Kyagulanyi suffered a leg injury after being hit by a teargas canister. The incident occurred as he was returning from a Thanksgiving ceremony at the home of NUP lawyer George Musisi.

Kyagulanyi, who was discharged from Nsambya Hospital on Wednesday, is recovering at his residence.

During a press conference held on Friday at his home in Magere-Kasangati, Kyagulanyi condemned the excessive use of force and systemic human rights abuses perpetrated by the Police, especially targeting his camp.

“We had moved a few meters and we met police officers charging bullets and teargas towards us. You have seen some of our people raising arms in the air as a sign of peace. Many were beaten and others were arrested and are still being held at Kira Police Division.” Kyagulanyi said.

He narrated how he was pepper sprayed inside his car by a police officer, forcing him and the driver to move out. According to Kyagulanyi, moments later a tear gas canister exploded on his leg.

“The canister exploded on my leg shuttering my shoe, harming me very badly. I must say am just a lucky man,” Kyagulanyi noted.

Kyagulanyi accused the Kira-Division Police commander Robert Kuzara of allegedly targeting his life.  He says the officer will be sued individually, citing substantial evidence in his possession.

Kyagulanyi said that he has little hope for disciplinary action against the police officers.

On Wednesday, the police announced that it had launched investigations into the Bulindo incident to ascertain whether Kyagulanyi was injured by a teargas canister or a bullet, or if he indeed fell as initially reported by the police officer at the scene.

Kyagulanyi expressed scepticism about the Police’s ability to conduct an impartial investigation into the incident.

NUP Spokesperson, Joel Ssenyonyi revealed that the party will launch nationwide tours as soon as Kyagulanyi recovers.

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