Kyabazinga Endorses Acidic Vokoz Concert Set for This Weekend

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howwe 1724870895

The Kyabazinga of Busoga, William Wilberforce Nadiope IV, has encouraged his subjects to attend Acidic Vokoz’s upcoming concert in large numbers.

Through his X handle, the Kyabazinga posted a poster for the Acidic Vokoz concert and urged the Basoga community to support their own.

The Acidic Vokoz concert will take place this Friday, August 30th, at Lugogo Cricket Oval. Acidic Vokoz’s songs include “Ndi Musoga,” “Last Chance,” “It’s Okay,” “Nkulinako Crush,” and “Namutuba,” among others.

This will be his maiden concert, coinciding with Mudra’s concert at Zoe Grounds, Lugogo.

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