Knowing that the Power for Good is invincible provides comfort – The Kampala Report



Readings: Wis 2:12, 17-20. Jas 3:16-4:3. Mk 9:30-37

Are you fighting a war, or you’re just out of one? No matter how holy your purpose for waging war is, no matter how justified, war is war. For many people, this war is internal, or they let the external war go inside of them. For many, most of these wars are not even justified. They’re jostling for space, for position and for recognition. They’re fighting what’s theirs, and they’re fighting for what’s not theirs.

Some may be justified in fighting. Maybe, they’re responding to aggression. Maybe they’re on the side of good against evil. Even this is no guarantee that they’ll be fully understood and supported. The forces against them will try to bring in reinforcements. The ones who are apparently on their side maybe busy with their own wars (probably with daily battles heavier than one’s own). The consolation and the strength to move on can be found in knowing that the Power on the side of Good, even when invisible, is invincible.

May Jesus Christ, Victor on the Cross, grant us the grace to always fight on the side of good, and emerge victorious.

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