Kitara ready for Caf unchartered waters


Some things in life’s journey cannot be taught, they must be experienced. These words resonate perfectly within Kitara’s camp as they prepare for their debut in continental football on Friday night.

The Kabalega Royals arrived in Benghazi, Libya on Tuesday afternoon fully aware of the challenges ahead of their debut in the Caf Confederations Cup in the first preliminary round against Al Hilal.

Due to insufficient infrastructure at home, the Uganda Cup winners will host their first leg at their opponent’s backyard. This infrastructural and logistical challenge is just one of many concerns for Kitara. The club’s administration, head coach Brian Ssenyondo, and the squad are navigating uncharted waters, a daunting task made even more challenging by their lack of continental experience.

“We don’t have experience at this level but this is not something you can buy from a supermarket; you gain from work,” Ssenyondo told Daily Monitor after landing in Benghazi.

“We’ll try to play well in the first game so that we have some experience to manage the second.”

Kitara, however, can take some comfort in the fact that their opponents are not a powerhouse on the continent. Al Hilal have only competed in Caf twice, back in 2001 and 2003, winning only one out of four matches, with a second-round appearance in the latter season their only achievement.

Nevertheless, with Libya’s league ranking among the top on the continent, coach Ssenyondo is not leaving anything to chance. The coach has researched available videos and reports on the internet and is banking on his old friend Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic, the coach of Libya’s national team for some titbits.

“Coach Micho is very helpful because he knows Libya and African football at large. We have not met yet but have an appointment to share a couple of things to be prepared for the game,” Ssenyondo revealed. Micho is largely linked to Kitara’s choice of hosting in Benghazi after failing at home.

“But for us to come here,” he added, “we plan to play game by game. The starting point is that we retained the core of our team and only made some necessary reinforcements that are worthy of this level.”

The first-leg match will take place at the Benina Martyrs in Benghazi on Friday from 7 pm Ugandan time. The second leg is scheduled for a week later. The aggregate winner from the tie will face Egypt’s Al Masry in the last preliminary round.

2024 Caf Confederation Cup 

1st leg (August 15): Kitara vs Al Hilal Benghazi – Benghazi 

2nd leg (August 23–25): Al Hilal Benghazi vs Kitara – Benghazi

2nd Preliminary round (September 13-22): winner vs Al Masry

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