King Oyo rally | Pulse Uganda


The festival is building on the success of the 2021 hybrid edition, which was held during the lockdown and aims to draw even larger crowds this year. It offers a perfect opportunity for families, friends, and visitors to immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of the Tooro Kingdom while exploring the wider Rwenzori region.

The event is expected to attract a diverse audience, including motorsport enthusiasts, culture aficionados, and those simply looking for an engaging day out. Early bookings are encouraged for those wishing to secure a place at this unforgettable celebration.

The Ekyooto Ha Mpango Festival is supported by several prominent organizations, including Talent Africa Group, the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiques, NBS Television, Capital FM, and the Kingdom of Tooro itself, ensuring a well-organized and vibrant festival that promises to be both entertaining and educational.

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