Kibuku residents get life skills, health tips in community-driven initiative

Minister Namuyangu issuing Certificate to Students

Kibuku, (UG):- In a significant step towards community development, students from Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development – Mpigi, over the weekend empowered hundreds of residents from Tirinyi Town Council in Kibuku District with essential life skills aimed at generating income and improving public health.

The initiative culminated in a ceremony at Riverside College Tirinyi, where 58 students were awarded Certificates of Merit by Hon. Jeniffer Kacha Namuyangu Byakatonda, the State Minister for Bunyoro Affairs and the District Woman MP for Kibuku.

The group which included students pursuing diplomas in Public Administration and Social Work from Mpigi and Kampala main campuses, dedicated three months, from May to August, of fieldwork focused on various income-generating projects and health improvement strategies.

Among the items established by the students to enhance household hygiene and sanitation were; 649 pit latrines, 1,270 composite pits, 848 bathing shelters, 1,491 drying racks, 656 tip taps, 314 kitchens, and 824 raised stoves.

The students also conducted sensitization meetings and workshops in various areas, focusing on;- Family planning practices, HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, Responsibility and role of local leaders, Environmental protection, Formation of self-help groups and Creating awareness about government programs such as PDM, Myoga, Youth Livelihood Funds, UWEP, Disability Grant, and Government Policies on wetlands

Magezi Esther, a student at Nsamizi Institute pursuing a diploma in Public Administration and Management, highlighted a critical finding from her practical experience: the rampant issue of early marriages in the region.

Esther urged the government to establish vocational training institutions to support school dropouts, and she called on parents to admire and encourage those who pursue education.

She advised girls to focus on their studies, emphasizing that the benefits of education would be realized later in life.

Minister Namuyangu receives some of the manufactured Items
Minister Namuyangu receives some of the manufactured Items

Mukembo Abel, a lecturer at the Nsamizi Institute who represented the institute’s principal, noted that the students were completing a mandatory practical requirement. He expressed gratitude for the cooperation and support the community extended to the students during their practical period.

During the event, the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Kibuku, Samuel Musiho, urged local residents to join the Parish Development Model (PDM) Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) to enhance their financial well-being.

He emphasized the importance of transparency, warning PDM leaders against soliciting bribes from beneficiaries and stressing the need to prioritize aid for the impoverished over the affluent.

“Let us work together to foster real change,” Musiho stated, before expressing gratitude to Hon. Namuyangu for hosting the Nsamizi students, who have made a transformative impact on the communities of Tirinyi Town Council.

Minister Namuyangu, who is also the Director of Riverside College, commended the students for their commitment to improving the livelihoods of local households during a challenging rainy season.

“The skills that these students have imparted—such as the production of liquid soap, sanitary pads, and body creams—are crucial,” she remarked. “They have introduced the community to sustainable practices, like the use of raised stoves that reduce the consumption of firewood.”

The initiative specifically targeted health issues prevalent in the area, with students making home visits to encourage families to dig pit latrines and adopt other sanitary practices aimed at reducing disease transmission during the rainy season.

Minister Namuyangu expressed gratitude to the management of Nsamizi Institute for their collaboration and commitment to community service. She emphasized the importance of continued education and support for the youth in Kibuku District.

As a further commitment to educational empowerment, Riverside College announced the provision of full bursaries for Primary Seven and Senior Four students achieving first grades in this year’s final exams, contingent upon their supply of basic school requirements.

The collaborative efforts of the students, local leaders, and educational institutions are paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient community, marking a hopeful turning point for many families in Tirinyi Town Council as they strive to combat poverty and improve their health standards.”

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