Kenya Outclasses Uganda in East African Speed Skating Marathon

Some of the skaters in action scaled e1723462201361

By Sadique Bamwita



Moses Ddungu officially sets off skaters

The First edition of Entebbe East African speed skating marathon was concluded in Entebbe on Saturday 10, August 2024, with Kenya showing class after outclassing Uganda in both male and female skating categories of the marathon.


The skating marathon attracted young participants from 3- 17 years and winners and runners up in their respective age brackets received certificates of merit and participation.


The President of Uganda skating Federation, Moses Ddungu, officially flagged off skaters in their different age brackets and also officiated the award of certificates.


Uganda only emerged victorious in 1km skating race in the boys’ category in the age bracket 3-5 years. However, the rest of the skating races for different age brackets that is 3-17 years were won by Kenyan skaters who were so skillful as opposed to Ugandan skaters.

Some of the winners being awarded medals

Ddungu, says Kenyan skaters dominated the skating competition because they had better skating  equipment compared to Ugandan skaters.


“Most skating equipment are expensive but because Kenyans value the sport they buy them but Ugandans can’t afford them ,” Ddungu noted.


Mr. Ddungu pointed out lack of financial support from the government on top of training facilities led to poor performance of Ugandan skaters. He called on sponsors to fund the skating sport in the country.


The Head coach of Entebbe City Rollers skating club, Mr. Imran Serumaga, says poor skating tools led to his club’s poor performance, and urged government to inject money in skating.


“We were outclassed by Kenya because they have better skating equipment. However, I believe next time we shall do better, ‘ Ddungu expressed optimism.


The Secretary General Uganda skating Federation, Diane Hishimye, expressed concern on low numbers of female skaters in the country.


“Currently the number of female skaters is fewer compareed to men. I appeal to parents to encourage young girls to embrace skating.’


The Managing Director Ginellos Pizzas, Haruna Magala, pledged to support the skating sport and urged other sponsors to come on board.


“At first I thought the game is for lumpens but I have now discovered it’s a game for well mannered people.


The overall best performance in the East African Skating speed marathon, Andrew Mututa a Kenyan skater from Sprint skating club, says though he won in the long skating marathon, the poor state of Ugandan roads affected his skating pace.


“We raced on a road that is in poor state and so risky. Such roads can’t be used for skating because they endanger lives of skaters. However, I tribute our triumph to team work.’


Eng. Njiru Mwaura, a Kenyan skating supporter says their government has sunk a lot of money in skating and he is hopeful that Kenyan skaters will qualify in the next Olympics games.


“Skating is a serious game and we want to be like china that is good in skating.  We want to expose this sport to young children to enable us identify the most talented ones that can compete at a global level.” Njiru says.

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