KCCA open to naming city road after Jose Chameleone


KCCA, over the weekend, welcomed the idea to name a road after Chameloene, from photo journalist Francis Isano.

Isano wrote on Sunday, “History will tell that Uganda has (Jose Chameleone). Dear KCCA, we demand a Joseph Mayanja Road.”

In response, KCCA tasked Isano to “get a million likes on this tweet and we discuss

Isano quickly rallied supporters of the legendary artist in East Africa and across the world to take on the challenge.

The quest, however, seemed like a far cry as by Monday afternoon, the post had managed only …..

Singer Jose Chameleone has long advocated for honouring icons while they still live.

His 2010 hit song “Basima Ogenze” is a tribute to people who are often unappreciated during their lifetime, but are only celebrated after they have passed away.

The song lyrics explore the irony of human nature where recognition and appreciation come too late. It reflects on the importance of valuing and acknowledging the contributions of individuals while they still live.

In March this year, Chameloene made a personal appeal to his fans to honour him while he’s still alive, stating, “The brick I have put on the industry deserves to be celebrated.

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