KATAKWI: Intoxicated 22 Year Old Man Fined Shs250,000 For Attempted Rape

Rape case Courtesy photo

By Our Reporter



Authorities in Awanyagola village, Akoboi Sub County, Katakwi district have fined a man 250,000 shillings (two hundred fifty thousand shillings) for trying to rape a woman at around eight o’clock.

The victim, known as Emmanuel Etukoit, 22, a resident of Awanyagola is reported to have humped 21 year old Janet Imayot’s neck with the intention of raping her without her consent.

After, the woman reported a case of rape, to LC one Awanyagola, Simon Okwakol, popularly known as Iwapi. The incident happened on 18-9-2024.


Okwakol while confirming the case said that both sides reached a state of harmony. While rape cases are uncommon in his office, he issued a warning against binge drinking, which is linked to criminal activity.

Imayot described her experience saying she raised an alarm and engaging in a wrestling match. She was returning home after selling Waragi at the Ajenebukui Trading Center. She continued by saying that two children who were traveling home at the same time as her saved her.

Etukoit, who admitted the deed and entered a plea of guilty before the LC1 court, claimed that his intoxication had caused him to commit the act.


Although rape is illegal in Uganda and carries a maximum sentence of death, the man in question was fined Shs250,000 and six canes for attempting to commit the crime.


Rape is defined as when one or more people sexually assault someone else without that person’s permission.

“Unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman or girl without her consent” (emphasis added) or if consent is obtained through any force, threat, or intimidation is how the Penal Code clause that forbids rape is defined. Rape has a potential sentence of death.

Etukoit after pleading for lenience for attempting a rape, was fined 250 shillings and six canes.

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