Kasoa: Woman carrying baby caught stealing phone at New Market


A woman carrying a baby has been caught on camera stealing a phone from a shop at Kasoa New Market.

The video, posted on social media platform X by user @eddie_wrt, captures the woman entering the shop with a baby at her back. She is seen engaging with the shopkeeper before discreetly taking the phone and concealing it. The shopkeeper, unaware of the theft at the time, continues to assist other customers.

The footage has sparked outrage among the public, with many expressing their shock and disappointment at the woman’s actions. The presence of the baby has particularly struck a chord, highlighting the lengths to which some individuals will go to commit crimes.

The incident, which was captured in vivid detail on the shop’s CCTV system, involved three elderly women and a man in a calculated heist.

According to the footage, the three women cleverly concealed fabrics within their clothing while their male accomplice distracted the store staff. The theft occurred during what appeared to be a routine shopping session.

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