Kasoa: Police pursue robbers who stole National Investigation Bureau officer’s car


Police investigations are ongoing to track down armed robbers who reportedly invaded the home of a National Investigation Bureau (NIB) officer in Kasoa, Central Region.

Law enforcement officers have launched an operation to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

Reports indicate that the assemblyman has since been arrested and is currently in police custody, assisting with the investigation. The suspect allegedly stated that he had been on high alert after 35 bags of cocoa were stolen from his shop. He added that at around 2 a.m. on Wednesday, 21 August 2024, while guarding his shop, he saw three suspects attempting to break in. When they tried to escape upon realising his presence, he fired in their direction, hitting two of the suspects while the third managed to flee.

According to EDHUB, one of the victims died at the scene, while the other passed away on the way to the hospital.

Footage of the fatal incident shows residents at the scene, with the victims’ bodies lying on the ground. Some residents are heard lamenting the situation and the involvement of a teenager. A voice in the background of the video, believed to be that of Kwabena Boateng, is heard recounting to residents how he shot the victims.

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