KAPELEBYONG: Man Kills Biological Mother, Youngest Sibling

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By Weswa Ronnie




In a shocking and tragic incident, a man identified as William Otukoi has allegedly killed his mother and her youngest child before setting their house on fire.


The incident occurred on Tuesday, 6th August, 2024 at Aditetau village, Amaseniko parish, Kapelebyong sub-county.


The deceased has been identified as Asele, a widow from Aditetau.


According to reports, she was attacked and hacked by her son, William Otukoi , before he set the house ablaze and fled the scene.


Otukoi was last seen at around 4 PM in the Onganyakonye area, heading towards Oditel.


Authorities have issued a warning that he is still at large and considered dangerous, reportedly armed with a panga and spear.


Damalie Nachuha, the East Kyoga Regional Police Commander, confirmed the incident saying they are hunting for Otukoi.


He says the two bodies have been taken to Amuria general hospital for postmortem.


Police have urged anyone with information about Otukoi William’s whereabouts to contact the nearest police station immediately.


This incident adds to the growing concern over domestic violence and mental health issues in the region, highlighting the urgent need for community support and intervention.

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