KAMPALA: Hammer Wielding Thugs Rob Victoria University Student at Home

Crime scene

By Our Reporter




Assailants armed with a hammer forcibly entered the home of Arinaitwe Mackline, a student at Victoria University resident in Nabulagala Zone, Rubaga Division in Kampala City.


According to the Police Spokesperson, ACP Rusoke, the incident occurred on 22nd August, 2024 at 1:00AM.


“During the incident, they assaulted her and stole her laptop, mobile phone, and academic transcripts. The victim attempted to resist, resulting in injuries,” he says in a statement issued today, 26th August, 2024.


Afande Rusoke says that the assailants were however, unlucky as they encountered a police patrol team from Old Kampala Police Station as they fled the scene of crime.


The encounter led to the arrest of a one Mayanja Hassan, a 32-year-old male resident of Kisenyi, Kampala Central Division who later assisted in the arrest of his accomplices.


“He was found in possession of a hammer and all the stolen items from Arinaitwe Mackline,” says Rusoke.



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