KAMPALA: Abducted 7 Day Child Rescued From Woman with Fake Pregnancy

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By Our Reporter




A Seven Days old infant who had been abducted has been successfully at Mulimila, Kamwokya, Nakawa Division in Kampala City today, 14th August, 2024.


According to Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, Alyano Gladys was abducted on 6th August 2024 from her mother, Mamusena Miriam.


Preliminary investigations reveal that the suspect, identified as Akello Monica, orchestrated a scheme in collaboration with a local leader, Oswal John Elephant.


The suspect lured pregnant women and new mothers under the false pretense of providing financial support from a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).


After sending the other women away, Akello singled out Mamusena Miriam, informing her that to receive financial aid, she would need to provide a birth certificate. On the pretext of obtaining the certificate, Akello and the victim boarded two different motorbikes, with the suspect offering to hold the child. However, Akello disappeared with the infant shortly thereafter.


“During interrogation, Akello confessed to stealing the child in a bid to deceive her husband, who had been pressuring her to conceive,” says Owoyesigyire adding that the suspect claimed to have been feeding the child with bottled milk since the abduction.


The Police are currently holding three suspects, including the victim’s sister, Akoli Bena, who allegedly assisted the suspect by identifying the child and assuring her that the victim, due to her financial constraints, would be unable to properly care for the baby.


The infant, Alyano Gladys, has been safely returned to her mother and is awaiting medical examination. Further details will be provided as they become available.


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