JUST IN! Bobi Wine reportedly shot after Bulindo scuffle with police – The Kampala Report

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Unconfirmed reports indicate that Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, President of the National Unity Platform (NUP) party, has been shot and injured by the police.

According to multiple reports circulating on social media, police officers allegedly opened fire on Kyagulanyi in Bulindo, Kira Municipality, while he was en route to visit counsel George Musisi.

Video footage posted by Ghetto TV shows Kyagulanyi’s supporters, led by his bodyguard Eddie Mutwe, carrying him to the nearby Jema clinic for medical attention. One of his supporters can be heard repeatedly shouting, “Oh God, the President has been shot.”

Both Eddie Mutwe and Kyagulanyi’s ally, Nubian Lee, posted about the incident on their social media accounts.

NUP Secretary General Lewis Rubongoya confirmed to our reporter that Kyagulanyi had indeed been shot.

Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson Patrick Onyango stated that they are still verifying the information.

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