Joshua Baraka talks friendship with Princess Ssangalyambogo


Speaking on the matter, Baraka described Katrina as a long-time supporter of his music, and that they became close friends due to their shared experiences.

“Katrina is my friend. She has supported me from way back and she loves my music a lot,” he said.

He elaborated on how he first connected with the princess as they frequently crossed paths while travelling.

We used to meet up a lot when I travelled, sometimes on the plane or at the airport. That’s how we started talking, and eventually, she became my good friend.”

Baraka also shared that whenever they are in the UK, they meet up, attend shows, and enjoy spending time together.

He praised Katrina for her consistent support, noting that she attends all his performances when possible. “She’s just a supportive person and a good friend,” he added.

Princess Ssangalambogo, studied and currently works in England.

She has largely kept her romantic life private. Last year she revealed in an interview that she was not seeing any one.

Right now, my focus and emphasis is on school. I am not dating anyone and that is not something on my mind right now,” she said.

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