John Peasah: Drogba in emergency need of $280K for life-saving treatment abroad


In an Instagram post on August 14, 2024, Peasah shared that his current treatments have been ineffective, and his financial resources are nearly exhausted. “Unfortunately, I’m not responding to treatment and have been spending almost all my resources, which are now almost depleted,” he wrote.

This includes treatments in pain medicine, physical therapy, psychology, occupational therapy, biofeedback, and nursing at a specialised Pain Rehabilitation Center.

I want to thank my family and friends (especially you guys), as well as the Vice President of Ghana, for the numerous donations and gifts I’ve received,” Peasah said. “This fundraising effort is necessary to support my expensive treatment abroad, which includes specialised care from experts.

In March 2024, it was revealed that John Peasah was suffering from demyelination, a serious health condition that affects the nervous system, impacting vision, coordination, and sensation. His sister, Hannah Mensah, disclosed that Peasah’s health issues first surfaced during the final season of the popular series YOLO.

In response to his condition, there has been an outpouring of support, including a visit and financial contributions from Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the NPP’s flagbearer, and other well-wishers. A fundraising campaign has been launched to help cover the extensive costs of his treatment abroad.

As John Peasah continues his battle for recovery, the call for support remains strong, and efforts are ongoing to raise the necessary funds for his specialized care.

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