John Dumelo speaks on why some politicians pound fufu and more during campaign


John Dumelo disclosed that he still engages in communal services, such as clean-up and pounding fufu for some constituents, but he has not been posting all of that on his social media pages.

I still doclean-up exercise; I mean, I still provide an absolutely free bus for Legon students or the university students or community students in Ayawaso. It’s just that because we do it so much, I don’t post so much,h but on the grounds, the people know that we are definitely working,” he said.

He continued, “If you are asking if I am not braiding hair and pounding fufu, I still do that, but I don’t post.” Explaining why politicians do this, he said “sometimes when you go to the people that is what they want you to do and can’t say you won’t do it.

However, he is hopeful to secure victory in the upcoming December 7th general elections. Hear more from in the video below and share your thoughts with us via the comment section.

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