Jameson Hangout returns for 2nd edition

These events have become a staple on Kampala’s social calendar, attracting an audience that enjoys living in the moment and sharing positive vibes.

Attendees can look forward to interactive games, trend-setting pop-up shops, and musical performances that promise to keep the crowd entertained throughout the day.

Additionally, guests will enjoy a gaming experience from Arudem, indulge in mouth-watering barbecue delicacies, and take advantage of services such as free haircuts, discounted tattoos, and complimentary Jameson cocktails. All of these activities are perfectly paired with the finest Irish whiskey, Jameson.

In keeping with the event’s theme of connection and social bonding, the previous edition, held in June 2024, was a resounding success.

It featured performances from renowned acts such as South Africa’s Tag Team, Lynda Ddane, Doha, Maurice Kirya, Fik Fameica, and Dj Alza, leaving the audience thrilled and eagerly awaiting more.

To ensure a memorable and intimate experience, the event will open its gates at 2:00 pm. Tickets are available for purchase online at or through 16598# for UGX 25,000. Additionally, there is a special squad deal where five tickets are sold for the price of four.

Organised by Talent Africa Group and Pernod Ricard, in partnership with Safeboda, NRG, and Arudem Gaming, the second edition of Jameson Hangout promises to deliver a unique and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

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