Jameson and Friends rocks with music, games, and more

Headlined by renowned Ugandan artists Nutty Neithan and Ug Boys, the festival also featured performances by Professor Jowei and the Black Waves Sound. The gates opened at 4 pm, welcoming revelers to an evening of entertainment and fun.

DJ Tony kicked off the festivities with a dynamic set, followed by performances from DJ Kasbaby, DJ Harold, DJ Melvin, Qoh and the Black Wave Sounds, DJ ALza, and DJ Kasbaby. Artists Viana Indi, Sean Preezy, and Adele Kiele also took the stage, energizing the crowd and elevating the overall atmosphere.

In addition to the live music, the event featured a range of interactive activities. Arudem Gaming took over the Sip Sip Score FIFA tournament, offering a variety of games for enthusiasts. Trend-setting pop-up shops added a unique shopping experience, while complimentary Jameson cocktails, free haircuts, and discounted tattoos paired with the finest Irish whiskey further enhanced the festival vibe. Attendees could enjoy delicious barbecue dishes, adding a culinary delight to the mix.

Aly Alibhai, CEO of Talent Africa Group, expressed his gratitude to the sponsors and the audience, stating, “The combination of top-notch performers, engaging activities, and a lively atmosphere created an unforgettable experience for all our attendees. We are grateful for the support of our sponsors and audience who have continued to make this event a resounding success.

The event’s exceptional sound quality and laid-back ambiance allowed attendees to immerse themselves fully in the Jameson experience.

The Jameson Bond & Connect events have become a staple on Kampala’s social calendar over the past three years, drawing crowds eager to celebrate life with friends and loved ones.

Jameson and Friends is organized by Talent Africa Group, a leading event management company dedicated to creating exceptional experiences for its audience. The event is brought to life in partnership with sponsors including Safe Boda, Arudem Gaming, NRG, and Jameson.

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