It’s just business – Keche Andrew defends artistes performing at political rallies

“I still see people and presenters chastising artistes because they performed at a political rally,” he said. “In this industry, music is our work and we need platforms with good money to help us produce good music.

Those people talking, they have what is paying them, but some artistes get shows once every three or four months. So they shouldn’t be hindered because of the fear of being tagged as being affiliated to that party.”

Keche Andrew pointed out that legendary musician Daddy Lumba has performed songs for the NPP but has also been seen socialising with NDC leaders. He expressed hope that Ghanaians will eventually reach a similar level of understanding.

Keche Andrew also advised fellow artistes to seize opportunities to perform at political events if the money is good and can help secure their future.

“If the money is good and can be used to start a business and build a future for oneself, take it,” he stated.

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