Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi killed in helicopter crash

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Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi has died after his helicopter crashed amid heavy fog in northern Iran, as world leaders share their reactions on Monday morning.

Rescuers found the helicopter that was carrying the Iranian president, as well as the country’s foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and other senior officials, after it crashed in a mountainous northwest region of Iran

Minutes after the Red Crescent Society announced its team had reached the site of the crash, state TV reported that there were “no signs of life” and an official said the helicopter had been “completely burned”.The state-run Mehr news agency then announced that the president and foreign minister had been “martyred”.

Earlier, officials said the aircraft appeared to have undergone a “rough landing” near Jolfa, the Iranian city on the border of Azerbaijani exclave Nakhchivan, around 600km northwest of the Iranian capital Tehran.International world leaders have been sharing their reactions on Monday morning. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was “deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise”.

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