Ignore my death rumours, I’m alive – McDan

Speaking in a viral video posted by Nkonkonsa, McDan, who was looking hale and hearty, said he is fine by God’s grace.

He said that he just finished exercising and is very healthy, contrary to the rumours.

“Let me tell Ghanaians that they shouldn’t be worried. I’m alive, and I’m strong. It’s just a rumour.

“It’s only God who takes care of us. No man has power over us, so I’m strong. You can see I just finished playing tennis. I played one hour of tennis this morning. I’m looking okay,” he said.

He urged Ghanaians not to worry about his health and to ignore the ongoing rumours, adding that he would continue to serve them.

“So, Ghanaians shouldn’t worry. I know how much Ghanaians love me, and my love also goes out to them. Those who heard it and got worried shouldn’t be worried. I’m alive and very strong, and I’m still continuing the good things I’m doing for this country.”

In an earlier interview, McDan said he struggled through graduate school though he is wealthy.

In a candid revelation, McDan, renowned for his entrepreneurial prowess, shared insights into his academic journey during his pursuit of a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Despite having over $40 million in his account, he encountered difficulties in his academic endeavours.

Reflecting on his experiences, McDan disclosed the stark dichotomy between his financial achievements and academic performance. “I made my first million dollars at the age of 28 and lost it all at the age of 32. And I remember when I was doing my MBA…one of the most difficult parts in life,” he recounted.

The entrepreneur expressed the challenge of receiving poor grades despite his financial success. “You would run to the class and a professor would look at me and give me D and Fs meanwhile I had 40 million dollars sitting in my account. Can you imagine, can you do that? That is very difficult but we call that discipline,” McDan emphasized.

However, McDan highlighted the importance of perseverance and academic achievement regardless of financial status.

He stressed the need to continuously strive for personal growth and development.

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