If you love snacking, here is a great rice cracker recipe to try at home

Making rice crackers at home is a rewarding and healthy way to enjoy this popular snack. By starting with homemade rice flour, you can control the ingredients and create a treat that’s both fresh and delicious.

  • 1 cup of uncooked rice (white or brown)

  • 1 cup of cooked rice (white or brown)
  • 1/2 cup of homemade rice flour
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce (optional for flavour)
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Water as needed

Choose and rinse the rice:

  • After rinsing, spread the rice out on a clean kitchen towel or paper towels. Allow it to dry completely, which can take a few hours. You can also speed up the process by drying it in a low-temperature oven (around 200°F or 93°C) for about 10 minutes.

  • Once the rice is completely dry, place it in a high-speed blender, food processor, or coffee grinder. Blend the rice in small batches until it turns into a fine powder. This is your homemade rice flour.

  • To ensure the flour is fine and even, sift it through a fine-mesh sieve. If there are any larger grains remaining, grind them again until you achieve a consistent texture.

  • Cook 1 cup of rice according to the package instructions. You can use leftover rice for this step as well. Ensure the rice is fully cooked and slightly sticky.

  • In a mixing bowl, combine the cooked rice, 1/2 cup of your homemade rice flour, soy sauce (if using), sesame seeds, and a pinch of salt. Mix until the ingredients are well combined.

  • Slowly add water, one tablespoon at a time, until the mixture forms a sticky dough. The dough should be pliable but not too wet.

  • Take small portions of the dough (about a tablespoon each) and roll them into balls. Place the balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten each ball with your fingers or a spoon to form thin discs.

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Bake the crackers for 15-20 minutes, or until the edges turn golden brown. The thinner the crackers, the crispier they will be.

  • Let the crackers cool completely on the baking sheet. They will continue to crisp up as they cool.

  • Store the crackers in an airtight container to keep them fresh and crispy for several days.

  • Seasoning: Add your favourite spices or herbs to the dough for extra flavour, such as garlic powder, onion powder, or dried rosemary.
  • Variation: Experiment with different types of rice, like jasmine or basmati, to create unique flavours and textures.

Enjoy your homemade rice crackers as a delicious and healthy snack!

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