If you have trouble sleeping, being in bed with this person will help

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Ever noticed how falling asleep is easier when cuddling up with a partner? It turns out there’s a scientific reason for this.

Quality sleep is so important for your overall well-being. So, knowing all the ways to get the needed restful sleep is key.

According to research in the Journal of Social Psychological and Personal Science, those who feel their partner is attentive to their needs typically get better sleep.

Researchers from the University of Turkey conducted a study of about 700 married or cohabiting couples and discovered that the mind and body can be soothed by spending quality time with a loving companion.

Interestingly, the emphasis is on a loving partner, as you won’t sleep well with an unloving partner.

The ‘feel-good’ hormones, serotonin and oxytocin, are released when one is in the presence of a loving partner. This results in feelings of contentment and relaxation. Also referred to as the “love hormone,” oxytocin promotes trust and social bonds. It has been demonstrated that these substances strengthen emotional ties and lessen stress.

Some people think couples who sleep in separate rooms can foster some sort of closeness and reduce fights since there is minimal contact and there’s the sense of looking forward to seeing each other, but research has shown that it’s much better to sleep with your partner.

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