If Akufo-Addo listened to advise, his government wouldn’t be like this – A-Plus

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Speaking in the interview with TV3, A Plus said, “How can I advise Akufo-Addo? He wouldn’t take your advice if you gave him one. If Akufo-Addo took advice, would his government be what it is today? He won’t look for advice. When he calls me for advice, I would even think that maybe they are plotting against me.”

A Plus also recounted the moment when the former Electoral Commissioner, Charlotte Osei, informed the president that he had won the 2016 elections, an event he witnessed firsthand.

He recalled the initial plans to build a strong government at the start of the president’s tenure, but things subsequently took a turn for the worse.

“The day Akufo-Addo won the election, Charlotte Osei called Akufo-Addo and said he had won the election. He met the media in his house, accepted the verdict, and thanked everybody. I was standing by him. We walked from there into his office in the house. It was just me and him. He held my hand as we walked to his office,” he said.

“The media was there. And when we entered his office, I said something to him. I said, ‘Nana, we are going to teach these guys how to run a country.’ I was so optimistic that we are going to do something under Akufo-Addo,” he added.

“Me, I know the person who killed Ahmed Suale. I swear to God… I swear by the children I have brought to this world, if you try me, you will conduct a press conference every day,” A Plus asserted, addressing communicators of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) who have criticised him for his comments about their running mate, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh.

A Plus’s bold statements have stirred public interest and could influence the ongoing investigation.

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