Ibrahim Bbossa resigns as URA spokesperson – The Kampala Report

URA Spokesperson Ibrahim K. Bbossa

URA Spokesperson Ibrahim K. Bbossa

Ibrahim Kibuuka Bbossa, has submitted his resignation to the Uganda Revenue Authority after nearly three years leading the Public and Corporate Affairs Division.

The cause of his resignation could not be immediately established.

As the URA Spokesperson since late 2021, Bbossa has been instrumental in leading URA’s public-facing initiatives during a period of significant transformation under Commissioner General John R. Musinguzi’s leadership. This transformation has been guided by the principles of patriotism, professionalism, and integrity.Bbossa has been a strong advocate for socially responsible business practices, approaching his job with complete transparency and accountability to all URA stakeholders. He was known for promptly responding to inquiries on digital media platforms and extending the same responsiveness to media inquiries, making him popular with the media and bringing URA closer to citizens.


During his tenure, Bbossa oversaw various initiatives, including the Mpa E Receipt Yange campaign, which promoted the use of e-receipts among Ugandans. He also led a digital communication renaissance at URA, strengthening the organization’s digital presence through creative communication campaigns and establishing URA TV for digital broadcasting.


Bbossa recognized the importance of tax education, combining it with public relations efforts. He successfully transformed the tax education function into a fully-fledged division, leaving behind a well-equipped team with the technical expertise and skill to spread the message of tax education to every household in Uganda.


When asked about his next move, Bbossa hinted, “You’ll know soon enough. We are going to be working even more closely.”


He has previously worked with the Uganda Communications Commission as the Head Public and International Relations, the Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Limited as a Marketing Specialists, the Uganda National Bureau of Standards as the Principal Marketing Officer, the Uganda Red Cross Society as the Corporate Fundraising Officer and has lectured at the Islamic University n Uganda


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