I Will Do Anything Necessary to See a Change of Government in Uganda – King Saha

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Musician King Saha has been a vocal critic of the Ugandan government ever since Bobi Wine entered active politics.

He has recorded songs highlighting societal injustices and rallied people to oppose the current regime.

In an interview with Kaiyz during his stay in the United States, King Saha expressed his commitment to doing whatever it takes to bring about a change in government in Uganda.

He wants to ensure a better future for his children, which he believes is only possible through a change in leadership.

“I do everything I do because I want to change the government. I want our children to enjoy this country, to work in government, and that’s why I keep pushing every day,” he said in a local television interview.

King Saha believes that change is inevitable and that Ugandans will witness it one day.

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